How This Business Owner Helps to Manage Stress

To all the hardworking business owners out there, I want to talk about stress, and share some tips that I use to support myself and my team in managing stress and promoting a healthy work-life balance.

Phil Caines here, CEO of 1UP Digital Marketing. It is tough to support your team, when you are feeling overwhelmed. First and foremost, it is important to lead by example. Show your team that stress is normal, and needed to be high-performing. But chronic stress is not ok. There needs to be an ebb and flow, it’s okay to take breaks and prioritize self-care. Encourage them to step away from their desks, go for a walk, or take a mental health day when necessary. We at 1UP have balance days that are strictly no-meeting time that allow our team to catch up on work, do training, and if needed, go find balance away from their desk.

It’s crucial to create an open and supportive environment where team members feel comfortable discussing their stress levels. We use OfficeVibe ping our team to see how they are doing on an ongoing basis. It can be anonymous, and really gives our team the ability to share how they are feeling. As an agency, it can be tough to prevent the constant/chronic stress, so we do our best to stagger tasks and deadlines so that our team doesn’t have a mounting deadline with a ton of deliverables due. One way we help our team is by having positive impact challenges that each team member sets for themselves and is held accountable for that focus on stress relief and balance in life.

So, let’s make a commitment together to prioritize mental health and well-being in the workplace. Stress isn’t bad in itself, but we can’t always be under stress, or else we become unbalanced. Your team’s health is just as important as the success of your business.

Share some stress balancing that your team does in the comments below!

Thanks very much for your time!