Web Analytics and Conversion Tracking

Make informed business decisions.

What are Website Tracking and Analytics in Digital Marketing?

Website tracking means using the right code in the right places to generate accurate data, and analytics means capturing insights from this data to help inform your decision-making.

Digital marketing provides you with a gold mine of business data — if you track it properly. That’s why analytics should be the foundation for all of your digital marketing efforts.

What are the benefits of Web Analytics?

There are many benefits to tracking marketing campaigns! First and foremost, all decision making will be backed by data-driven insights. Some top benefits also include:

  • Gain valuable insight on your website’s visitors and their behaviour on your website.
  • Know and understand where your website traffic is coming from, literally.
  • Measure the success of marketing activities.
  • Easily track website performance by creating & tracking conversion goals based on actions your users take.

What’s included in Website Tracking?

Proper tracking of marketing campaigns and collecting accurate data is key in order to make the right decisions and uncover new competitive advantages. On the flip side, improperly set up accounts lead to duplicate data, missing codes, and low conversions. Experience the benefits of properly tracked marketing campaigns with our monthly services.

Google Analytics Implementation and Account Creation

We can help you implement your Google Analytics and set up new accounts, profiles, goals, views and more to ensure you have access to the metrics you need.

Account Audits

We can perform in-depth audits of existing analytics accounts to ensure they are set up correctly. We will help you collect accurate data from your marketing campaigns to help with your decision-making.

Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager is an important tool for assisting your tracking & analytics. We have extensive experience with Google Tag Manager, which provides the ability to tag elements of the site such as button clicks and form submissions, on one account.

A successful Google Tag Manager implementation simplifies the tagging processes, boosts page load speeds and trims implementation time. It also tracks all conversions from your marketing campaigns easily and successfully so you make informed business decisions.

Why 1UP?

  • We treat analytics as a core element of your digital marketing.
  • We ensure tracking and analytics are properly set up for your campaigns.
  • We provide ongoing expert guidance around accessing the right metrics.

Our team of digital pros take a strategic approach to website data and leverage these insights to eliminate the guesswork from marketing decisions. Let us help you get the most of your business data with our Tracking & Analytics management services.

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