Paid Ads (PPC)

Get targeted traffic with paid ads.

What is Performance or PPC Marketing?

Performance marketing is online advertising where brands pay for their ads once a specific action has been completed. For example, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, where the advertiser only pays for their ads once it has been clicked on. These PPC ads show up prominently on search engine results pages and/or websites and social media platforms your audience visits. Targeted paid ads complement your organic traffic and promote your website’s content even further. Reach your audience at any stage of the funnel with performance marketing.

What are the benefits of Performance Marketing?

There are several benefits to performance marketing, including:

  • Drive instant traffic to your website—especially useful for a new or updated site.
  • Target specific demographics to get the most bang for your digital marketing buck.
  • Easily control your ad spend and adapt your strategy based on factors such as seasonality, promotions and business needs or opportunities.
  • Track keyword data to provide insights that can help bolster your SEO strategy (organic keyword data no longer gets passed to analytics software).

What’s included in Performance Marketing services?

There is a large range of online advertising platforms to choose from. Our performance marketing specialists have extensive experience with:

PPC campaign management

The secret to success is ongoing campaign management to enable you to refine your approach in real-time to improve results.

Ad type and platform selection

We can find the best types of ads to suit your audience and business needs, including:

  • Site retargeting.
  • Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media advertising.
  • Mobile advertising.
  • Display ads.
  • Google, Microsoft, and other paid search ads.

Campaign optimization

We can audit and optimize your existing PPC campaigns to potentially save you thousands in wasted pay-per-click marketing budget, making your campaigns more cost-effective.

Why 1UP?

  • We customize each campaign for your objectives, scaling up to different platforms or catering to different audiences as needed.
  • We ensure you receive a return on investment for each campaign and work hard to achieve this. (Optimizing your ad copy and landing page can go a long way)

Our performance marketing is driven by results and we care about the success of your paid ads campaigns. See how we’ve helped our clients gain targeted traffic and improved their paid ads ROI.

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