Robinson Lighting & Bath Centre

Driving Qualified Website Traffic and Improving ROI

About Robinson Lighting & Bath Centre

Robinson Lighting & Bath Centre sells high-quality lighting, kitchen, and bath fixtures and is proud to be one of Canada’s most trusted lighting stores. The Canadian retailer targets discerning buyers looking for a unique look in homes. They operate a network of 32 retail and wholesale locations, with showrooms dedicated to the design-conscious consumer, designer, and custom home builder. Curating top-quality lighting for homes is their passion.

Client Challenge

Robinson Lighting & Bath Centre identified clear marketing goals and target demographics in their marketing plan. However, they did not feel that the traffic brought to the site from Google Ads at that time showed enough value to justify continuing with Google Ads with that setup. They challenged us to drive more qualified traffic to their website and improve their Google Ads ROI.

Our Digital Marketing Strategy

After a detailed audit of the online campaigns, we recommended restructuring the entire account. Our focus was on improving:




We are very pleased with the increased quality of visitors to our website, who are now engaging in our content and meeting our objectives. 1UP’s detailed audit and improvements are now informing even more aggressive metrics for next year – to improve our content and continue to build quality relationships with our clients.

Catherine Metrycki, Director, Marketing, Robinson Lighting & Bath Centre

It is time to ‘1UP’ your Marketing!

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